< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/93/4b/IB-FIQ9A3U75_B2715237.jpg" Alt = "Trump Administration considers the possibility of reducing the scientific budget of NASA to 50%"/> ~ ~ ~ ~ < p > Trump's administration considers the possibility of reducing NASA scientific budget to 50%. Such changes can lead to the termination of important missions and US loss loss in the space industry.
< P > White House can try to cut the NASA scientific budget up to 50 percent, with reference to sources reports Ars Technica.
~ < p >< b > details 0 ~/p > < p > Although the Trump administration has not yet published its budget request, high -ranking officials are starting to receive briefings on the presidential priorities. Among them is NASA, where significant changes are expected. One of the most radical proposals is a significant reduction in the financing of scientific programs in the Space Agency.
< p >Numerous sources familiar with the White House Plan indicate that “Scientific Mission Management” may face budget reduction to 50 percent. Despite the fact that the final decisions have not yet been made, the main purpose seems to be a significant reduction in science costs.< P > Nikola Fox, an assistant administrator of NASA for the management of scientific missions, addressed this topic at a press conference at G & Rsquo; Uston, but refrained from speculation on possible abbreviations. “We have no budget information yet, and I hate planning something on the basis of rumors and speculations,” FOOs said.
< P > In the case of introduction, these abbreviations can have horrible consequences. Casey Direire, Head of The Planetary Society Space Policy Department, called them “an event of extinction level” for the US space science, warning of the cessation of missions, reduction of labor and loss of global leadership in space study.
~ ~ 62 < p >In many respects, NASA scientific management is a pearl of the space agency. Майже всі найзначніші досягнення за останні 25 років були досягнуті завдяки науковим програмам: політ Ingenuity на Марс, проліт New Horizons повз Плутон, знімки з космічного телескопа Джеймса Вебба, відкриття тисяч екзопланет, повернення зразків з астероїдів та комет, відкриття Cassini водяних шлейфів на Енцеладі, постійна присутність роботів на Марсі та Many more. Even the recent landings per month Firefly and Intuitive Machines were funded by NASA Scientific Management. < P > However, from approximately 25-billion budget NASA, only about 30 percent is allocated for science. In the 2024 financial year, this amount amounted to $ 7.4 billion. These expenses were broken down by about $ 2.7 billion to planetary science, $ 2.2 billion to land science, $ 1.5 billion for astrophysics and $ 800 million for solar.~ ~ ~ < p > Sources reported that NASA may face budget reduction by about 25 percent in total.
< P > Scientists fear that such a budget will give way to future research in our solar system of China, which last year published a long -term research plan to compete and potentially exceed its competitors, including NASA and the United States.
~ < P > US Congress will finally decide on NASA funding, but given the political climate, the proposed reductions are a serious problem for the future agency. ~