< img src = "/uploads/blogs/e4/e4/ea/ib-1ilov89nr_240df4a4.jpg" Alt = "Skyscraper size: EU creates a wind turbine from unusual material"/> < p > New material for wind generators has three great advantages over the traditional steel, says the manufacturer.
< P > The Swedish company Modvion AB develops a giant wind turbine tower using wood that is expected to be ready by 2027. About this & nbsp; writes & nbsp; bloomberg.
< p >< iframe width = "560" height = "314" src = "//www.youtube.com/emBed/II5S8RP3AU" ALLOWFULLSCREEN = "ALLOWFULLSCREN" < P >< Br /> It is reported that the height of the new tower will be from 160 to 180 meters. This means that it will be as high as the Gherkin commercial skyscraper in London. For comparison, the construction of a turbine 365 meters high in Germany, which will become the highest in the world.
< P > The design Modvion will consist of several modules, which will simplify its transportation. In addition, the use of wood instead of energy steel will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 90% for the entire service life.< P > According to journalists, the company plans to build a plant in Sweden, which by the end of the decade will reach production volumes of 170 towers a year.
< p > on Modvion & nbsp; nbsp; the wood has three large advantages compared to the steel: the wood has higher specific strength, which makes it easier to make the design. High steel towers need additional strengthening to withstand their own weight, which does not require wooden towers. And finally, modular steel towers require a huge number of bolts that require regular checks, while modular wooden towers are connected with glue.
~ < p > “Imagine 50,000 steel bolts that you do not need to check”, & mdash; underlined in the company.