“You're lucky to find such a man,” Julia once told me, smiling warmly. – You are the perfect marriage. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/bf081a/620x0/1/0/2025/03/07/sys2zfdz0lvt4vdkimtuhay86oufPrt3fbzrhjn.jpg" alt = "from life taken." Quot; my husband betrayed me with my best friend & quot;: And she repeated that we had a perfect marriage " styles = "background-color: rgba (109,96,82,1)" > < p > For years I believed that M & Amp; Oacute; Wi Truth.

< p > for years I trusted her & hellip; and him.

< p > until the day I discovered that they cheat on me.

< p > that my husband and my best friends & oacute; łka were together behind my back.

< p > I did not find out from him.

< p > I did not find out from her.

< p > I found any & oacute; d by accident & ndash; Message on his phone.

< p > & ampquo; I miss. When we will see ? &

< p > my heart stood. The number was well known.

< P >Julia.

< p > my julia.

< p > that day I waited for you to be home.

< p > whenever he entered, I threw his phone on st & ł.

< p > — You have something to say ?

< p > looked at the screen and paled.

< p > — It's & hellip; It's not as you think.

< p > — So like ? — My hands were trembling. & Amp; MDASH; Explain to me.

< p > sighed as if he had no strength to defend himself.

< p > — It's & hellip; lasted some time.

< p > I felt sick.

< p > — Some time ?

< p > — I didn't want to hurt you.

< p > — So you betrayed me with my best friends & & ?!

< p > He looked at me without a word.

< p > and I understood that he had no real remark < p > Julia answered the phone the first time.

< p > — Hey, dear! & Amp; MDASH; Her voice was joyful as if nothing happened.

< p > — You know what is the worst ? — I said quietly.

< p > — What do you mean ?

< p > — That all this time you have told me how perfect we have marriage.

< p > there was silence.

< p > — Listen & Hellip;

< p > — NO. You listen.

< p > I felt that tears were burning in my throat, but I didn't let them flow.

< p > — I lost not only my husband, but also you. The most important people in my life.

< p > sighed hard.

< p > — This is how it came out &

< p > I hung up.

< p > It made no sense to listen to it further.

< p > that day I left the house and never to him & oacute;

< p > they could be together.

< p > I learned to live without them.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116