< img src = "/uploads/blogs/7a/48/ib-fqokkt02G_6240df4a.jpg" Alt = "Destruction of independence, repression, capture of the media-a report in the Council of Europe on the state of journalism"/> ~ < P >< Strong > One of the most relevant problems for journalism remain the risks < P > The report of partnership organizations of the Council of Europe on the state of European journalism in 2024 notes the continuing pressure on freedom of speech and influence on journalists – direct and indirect. In 2024, a huge number of journalists were killed who performed their professional responsibilities – 124 people. The vast majority of them died as a result of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. In total, journalists in 2024 were killed in 17 countries, including Ukraine.
< P > The main provisions of the report are set out on the site & nbsp; Council of Europe & nbsp; March 5, on Wednesday.~ < p >In & nbsp; annual report & nbsp; Nbsp; Council of Europe Partnership Organizations; 2024, it is reported in the annual report of partner organizations of the Council of Europe platform to promote the protection of journalism and the security of journalists.
< P > In a report called & Laquo; 2024: confrontation between political pressure, misinformation and erosion of media independence & raquo;, as serious threats called digital tracking on journalists and its risks for journalists. and tendency to capture media by the governments of some countries that is increasingly spreading in the world.< p >Noted attack on freedom of speech in Georgia – the level of freedom of the media in 2024 dropped sharply, journalists are persecuted in this country.
< p > Ukrainian journalists, as well as journalists of other countries where conflicts have broken down, are threatened with death.
< P > The report warns of the increasing threat of misinformation, including content created by artificial intelligence, and state propaganda used to manipulate public opinion and undermine independent journalism.
~ < P > Platform partners have prepared a number of recommendations that call on the Council of Europe, the European Commission and 46 Member States of the Council of Europe to strengthen the legal protection of journalists, to provide guarantees against misinformation and to take measures to combat capture and tracking. They urge governments and institutions to support freedom by reforming policy, ensuring transparency and increasing protection against threats and persecution.< P > Although unlawful legal threats against media and journalists continued to cause concern, the platform partners congratulated the adoption of the Council of Europe's recommendation to counteract strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), the entry into force will facilitate the creation of a more favorable medium for media freedom.
< p > In April 2025 the platform & laquo; journalists' safety & raquo; It will celebrate your decade. From the moment of its creation in 2015 until December 31, 2024, the platform registered about 2,000 messages. The annual platform report covers 46 countries, as well as Russia excluded from the Council of Europe in 2022, and Belarus.