< img src = "/uploads/blogs/4b/de/ib-fqo9sogsn_40df4a49.jpg" Alt = "slowly applauded with & quot; quot; disapproval on the face & < p > The expression of the face of the first lady of the US Melania Trump, when her husband, US President Donald Trump appeared in Congress on March 5, became viral on the network. This was paid to this by the editorial board & nbsp; Irish Star US.

< p > in publication state that the appearance of Trump provoked the triumph of his supporters and the chanting of critics, while the first lady of the United States “without enthusiasm applauded with disapproval and sadness on the face.”

~ < p > emphasize that her applause was very leisurely.

< p >

< blockquote class = "twitter-tweet" > < p lang = "en" dir = "ltr" > melania was doing that lip iting again https://t.co/0ovvvv5hubla pic.twitter.com/tuyntxf1e70~~~~???? .2 & mdash; Patriottakes (@Patriottakes) March 5, 2025 < p >

< P > Newsweek & Nbsp; Nbsp & Nbsp; Patriottakes, where a viral video was published, has a critical position on Trump.

~ ~ ~ < P > At the same time on the page of Melania Trump fan account on the social network X & nbsp; flotus report & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; video in which this moment was cut.

~ ~ < p >

< blockquote class = "twitter-tweet" > < p lang = "en" dir = "ltr" > this is so cute. President Trump Sees melania in the Crowd and Points to Her and Smiles pic.twitter.com/7l19dktdut~ & mdash; Flotus Report (@melaniajtrump) March 5, 2025 < p >

< p >

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Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116