I stood in the garden, looking at my children running on the grass. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/464e40/620x0/1/0/2025/03/05/6ok9bsdmjk4xskz3lisqa8f5xjzuh6xqii3lujub.jpg" alt = "from life taken. & quot; I bought a house by the sea to start a new life with children & quot;: Now the ex -husband wants to come back" styles = "background-color: rgba (175,181,172,1)" > < p > The air smelled of the sea, and somewhere in the distance you could hear the sound of the waves. It was our home. Our new life.
< p > without him. < p > For years I learned how to be strong. How not to look back. How not to listen to the voice, which & oacute; ry sometimes whispered in my head: & ampquo; maybe you could save it ? & & ampquo;.< p > and now he was here.
< p > stood in front of me, on our new threshold, with the same smile, which & oacute; ry once could break me.
< p > — After all, we are a family — He said lightly as if it were all obvious.
< p > family ?
< p > does the family leave you alone, when you need her the most ? or the family of m & oacute; wi, that he no longer loves you enough, that he has to start “amp; rewrite;< p > Does the family come back when they see that you did better than anyone expected ?
< p > — Why are you here ? — I asked cold.
< p > — Because & Hellip; I miss children. < p > I snorted.< p > — Now ? After so many years ?
< p > una & oacute; hands in a defensive gesture. < p > — I know I wasn't perfect.
< p > — Perfect ?! & Amp; MDASH; I couldn't resist, bitter laughter broke free from my mouth. & Amp; MDASH; You just disappeared! < p > I remember the day when he packed his things. There were no quarrels, no scream & oacute; He just announced that & ampquo; it no longer works ” and left< p > I was alone.
< p > with children's dw < p > I fought for a long time to get to this moment. To the place where & oacute; I did not have to ask anyone for help.
< p > and suddenly, when I built it all with my own hands, he appears. < p > — We could have been overwhelmed by & mdash; he said quietly.< p > I took a step towards him.
< p > — No. < p > blinked.< p > — But children & hellip;
< p > — Children remember you. They also remember how you disappeared.
< p > For a moment he was silent. < p > — You really close the door ?< p > I looked into his eyes.
< p > — NO. You closed them a long time ago. I just don't let you open them again.
< p > left. < p > and I felt for the first time in a long time that I was really at home. < br />< br />< /p >