< img src = "/uploads/blogs/67/42/ib-fqnah303f_40df4a49.jpg" Alt = "Ukrainian works will work in NASA-Fedorov"/> ~ ~ < P > American Space Agency NASA sent the first test batch of Ukrainian robots.
< p class = "text-staart" > about it & nbsp; reported & nbsp; head Ministry < P class = "text-staart" > Supply of robots conducts drunua & nbsp; & mdash; Ukrainian group of companies that & nbsp; deals with drones. For & nbsp; Fedorov's words, it was NASA who initiated this & nbsp; cooperation.
< P class = "text-start" >The test party has already gone to & nbsp; the American state of Virginia. There robots will try and & nbsp; look most effective application.
< P class = "text-Start" >0 > 62 ~ & laquo; developers with & nbsp; drneua hope to establish a system partnership with & nbsp; nasa in & nbp; nbp; A & nbsp; i & nbsp; not even & nbsp; doubt that & nbsp; everything will succeed. The war gave a powerful boust of the Defense Tech market, our technologies develop very quickly & raquo; , & nbsp; & mdash; He wrote the minister.
< P class = "text-staart" > he added that & nbsp; supply of equipment for & nbsp; border; border can provide & laquo; billions of income & raquo; in & nbsp; budget.
< p class = "text-Start" > co-founder and & nbsp; Droneua governing partner Valery Yakovenko stated that & nbsp; cooperation with NASA & nbsp; & mdash; mdash; & laquo; this & nbsp; only the beginning & raquo;. In early February, the company officially registered a trademark in the US.
< p class = "text-staart" >0 ~ ~ i > & laquo; testing of our decisions in & nbsp; nbsp; the United States opens the way to & nbsp; system partnership with & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; This is & nbsp; proof that & nbsp; innovations created in & nbsp; Ukraine, change the world. From unmanned systems on & nbsp; land to & nbsp; advanced solutions in & nbsp; space & nbsp; & mdash; We & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Ukrainian engineering is among the best in & nbsp; world and & nbsp; not & nbsp; has borders. Already, Ukraine is part of a global innovation ecosystem, and we & nbsp; we only gain momentum & raquo; , & nbsp; & mdash; he wrote.