Pope Francis could be wanted. Surprising information flows from Italy. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/1e0120/620x0/1/0/2025/03/04/y06yevazrgj8sc2ejoprt75voao6cb8fbqsdjgjm.png" alt = "Pope Franciszek/YouTube @tvn24" styles = "background-color: rgba (182,164,149,1)" > < p > As informs the portal & interia & rdquo ;,, Pope Franciszek M & oacute; The case saw the light of day after the spy software was detected on a phone call belonging to a clergyman who often talked to Franciszek. The Vatican has not yet talked to the matter.
< P >< Strong > wiretaps in phones < p > service & ampquo; interia & rdquo; He indicates that in February this year it was confirmed that the Italian activist Luca Casarini was spy on for a year by unknown people. His phone was spy on using the Graphite program. Casarini's phone was checked by citizen lab.< p > Casarini was a special guest of the synod bishop & oacute; in, invited by Pope Francis. Representatives of the organization founded by Casarini submitted a notification in the prosecutor's office, which & oacute; is to explain who spy on the activist.
< p > Casarini was not the only spy person using the Graphite system. Recently, it came to light that the chaplain of the Mediterranea Saving Humans, Mattia Ferrari & rsquo; ego was eavesdropped. < P >< img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/ce8380/620x0/1/0/2020/12/13/cf75p92Ux0vdou8nahvu52iufcr7cbcae1emii2v.jpeg" alt = "Pope Franciszek. Source: youtube.com" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (121,110,105.1)" > < P >< Strong > Pope Francis was overheard ? < p > priest Ferrari reported that the case is dealt with by law enforcement agencies, which & re. The analysis of the clergy phone has not yet been completed, so it is not sure how long it was under surveillance. < p > It is no secret that one of the rominations & oacute; wc & oacute; in priest. Ferrari & rsquo; ego was Pope Francis. The clergy talked about migrants imprisoned in Libya and the opportunity to help them. “Bdquo; if priest Mattia was eavesdropped, Pope Francis was also listened to and many times & & & ndash; indicates the website & interia & rdquo;, citing the relations of Italian journalists. < p > What is important, during the size of the &mp < P > < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/ed8538/620x0/1/0/2020/12/13/naovl9AHP8FJGZUMCMCMJCMJCMJZZ5ioaomeugjvamt6yyeKac.jpeg" alt = "Pope Franciszek. Source: youtube.com" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (155,148,133,1)" >