< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/90/7b/IB-FQMLMLMLM852A_9EA2A6BB.JPG" Alt = "issued a record number of messages: radio station & quot; quot; quot; < P > Amateur radios noted that the VBB-76 radio station was intensified after the negotiations between Russia and the USA.
< p > The mysterious number radio station “UBB-76”, also known as “Radio of Judicial Day” and “Zhuzhalka”, has aired a record number of messages after Russia and the United States held negotiations in Saudi Arabia and Turkey. About this & nbsp; reports & nbsp; the moscow times.< p >< iframe width = "560" Height = "314" SRC = "//www.youtube.com/mBed/89GFMQB7-x" Alowfullscreen = "ALLOWFULLSCREN" >0 ~/IFrame >0 ~/P >Messages are transferred in February < P > In February 2025, a station speaking on short waves and transfers encrypted messages in the form of numbers, words and words similar to the words of letters, came out 46 times, follows from the data of radio amateur groups in Telegram and YouTube. < p > now it continues to speak in March.
< p >< iframe width = "560" Height = "314" SRC = "//www.youtube.com/embed/ise0i1gjheq" Alowfullscreen = "ALLOWFULLSCREN" >0 ~/IFrame >0 ~/P > Messages transferred on March 3 < p > Record number of messages & mdash; 25 per day & mdash; “UVB-76” was issued on February 12, on the day when Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin held the first of the inauguration of the US President. < p > Among them were the words: “Synopsis”, “Narta”, “Boulevard”, “Spidocrat”, “Squeakiness” and “Brahmaputra”.
~ ~ ~ > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ < p > to the negotiations “UBB-76” was aired on 3, 6, 8 and 10 February. Then & mdash; February 15 and February 17, the day before the first meeting of the Russian and American delegation in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the station passed the message 22, 23 and 27.
< P > “UVB-76” actively worked in December, when 45 messages were published on the air, and continued in January, when the “Judgment Radio Down Station” reported 22 messages. Before that, she was very rare. In November 2024 there were only 11, and in March 2024 & mdash; only three.