< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/42/D5/IB-FQLESEVA1_9EA2A6BB.JPG" ALT = "Many people use it: which application daily & quot; quot; ~ amp; quot; quot; < P > One of the apps on the phone that can occupy a large number of Pam & Rsquo; yati, is Telegram. In order not to face this problem, you need to clean the cache regularly. It can reach several gigabytes with active use of messenger.
< p >< strong > “Telegraph” & nbsp; nbsp; tells how to properly clean the cache in Telegram quickly and simply. Only a few minutes will take it.
< P > It is better to repeat the procedure several times a week. But if you are used to using this program often and signed on a large number of channels, it is better to clean the cache daily.
< h2 > How to clean the cache in Telegram
< Ul > < li > First you need to go to messenger;
< li > then find “settings”;
< Li > We choose “Data and Pam & Rsquo; yat/data and storage”;
< li > Next you should click on “Using Pam & Rsquo; yat/use of storage”; < li > then on the screen with & Rsquo; information appears how many Pam & Rsquo; yati on the phone occupies cache. Need to click on 'Delete cache';
< li > then you need to wait until the removal process is completed.
< p > It is important to add that cache cleansing will not affect the messenger work and will not delete your personal correspondence.