< img src = "/uploads/blogs/fd/4c/ib-fqkl4evin_cd1b95cc.jpg" Alt = "AI against humans: who will win in the labor market and what are the threats of high technologies"/> ~ ~ < P >< Strong > How & Nbsp; AI already changes the labor market in Ukraine and what to expect in the future, whether the latest & nbsp; competition technologies for employees or vice versa. Shi & nbsp; & ndash; In the column & nbsp; hr expert, career & nbsp; consultants & nbsp; Tatiana Pashkina for RBC-Ukraine.

~ > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 < H2 > Labor and Shi – Collaboration or Competition < P > For several years fierce controversy has been going on – how the AI ​​”overrunes” the labor market. With regard to the result – there is no single answer, various forecasts have a full range of answers – from the most positive to the apocalyptic.

< p >Paracelsus is attributed to the famous proverb & Rsquo; I, that all poison and all medicines depends on the dosage. I think this sentiment can also be applied.

< p > yes, no doubt that many tasks AI can do faster and with fewer errors than a person.

< p > for example, sort information and summarize, write scripts and texts, compose images, calculate and forecast, create concepts and strategies, etc.

~ ~ ~ > 62 > < p > on the one hand, the positive situation is that most of the work is routine and do not always bring pleasure to specialists. For example, the operation of the contact center operator. Not very grateful work, especially if you need to accept complaints and advertising.

< p >The amount of negative information daily accelerated the professional burnout of employees and staff turnover. And, given that a large number of questions were repeated, such work could not be called productive. Therefore, the creation of the first chatbots first and then with the journal of the Shi elements leads to the fact that the answers to the most common questions are prescribed by scripts, and the AI ​​is successfully composed.

~ ~ ~ > 62 > < H2 > New Human Roles in the Sy < p > now a person has a more intellectual task – to understand those non -standard situations that does not yet “cover” a network of scripts and form new scenarios and work out their use.

~ < P > The same way can automate, for example, compiling descriptions of goods in online stores and cataloging of goods in warehouses.

< P > Another area is hotels and tables in restaurants. And yet – translations, design and folding of texts.

< p >Well, programming, such as creating games. There are more times when the design of games and the creation of dialogues of the company is attached by AI, so, indeed, “picking bread” from employees and reducing units.

< p > of course, the involvement of the AI ​​has to “stratify” society even more, as it begins to select the work of simple and routine, thus condemning the unemployment of people “simple and unknown”. They have an alternative – to rise above to the “Pozhnich” or the Mentor of the AI, controlling the performance of the work and optimizing the industry (requests to the AI). But it is necessary to study, to have time and inspiration.

< p > therefore, & nbsp; < strong > The percentage of unemployed can increase if we talk about economically developed countries. Again, given that the population of these countries is gradually growing and declining, the unemployment may not have global consequences if “victims of AI” will be retrained.

. < h2 > Specificity of application of si in Ukraine

< p > Since we have the highest mortality and the lowest birth rate, we will have little “superfluous” people. Therefore, the restructuring of the labor market to maximize routine (both intellectual and physical) to automate and “give” people more interesting and highly paid to people – the task of the coming years.

~ ~ > < p > Especially since according to polls of employment sites, many candidates are ready for retraining. And not from the fact that the unemployed but preying to be relevant in the labor market in the near future.

< P > Therefore, actual tools, including the use of AI, are actively learning. Moreover, in the descriptions of some vacancies & nbsp; < strong >In the “Requirements” section already with & Rsquo; a line – experience with the si. < H2 > Automation of routine processes

< P > In addition, the Labor Market is published by generation Z, who are not very fond of routine tasks. And, given the results of introductory campaigns in recent years, they prefer humanitarian specializations. Therefore, it is extremely on the time of using the AI ​​to analyze the market, or to track competitors and statistics, accounting statistics and financial analytics in general, pharmaceutical forecasting and agro -market & hellip; and many other industries.

< p >Given the number of paper documents in circulation, it will definitely not be superfluous to help AI in the automation of preparation and processing of primary paper documents, significantly reducing time and minimizing mistakes. And digitalization of archives of many institutions and organizations.

< p > The government is also a global use of AI tools. Given their constant updating and improving the productivity and quality of information processing, more and more professional fields can apply them in current practice.

< p > for example, Ministoricu says that by 2030 & nbsp; < strong > Ukraine should enter the top 3 countries of the world by the level of development and implementation economics.

< h2 > Whether humanity has been avoided by si

< P > Inappropriate use of AI tools without systematic control over the results of use is a very threatening phenomenon. Media multiply information about cases of unethical decisions and manipulations with information that was resorted to AI programs that could lead to human casualties in current mode.

< p > again, it is necessary for the control of the use of AI to be carried out by trained specialists of high degree of professionalism, who could and qualitatively make requests and qualified the results qualified. Because otherwise & nbsp; < strong > Able to think through the help of AI in humanity can atrophies , like m & Rsquo; tongue; cosmonauts in weightlessness. And it can lead to catastrophe.

< p > If programs like GPT Chat become oracles, the world will fly to Tartar. Therefore, it is important that AI tools have the same control and management system as nuclear weapons.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116