< img src = "/uploads/blogs/fc/18/ib-fqk3r4m3k_daab630a.jpeg" Alt = "scientists have created terminators that can go from liquid to solid"/> ~ ~ < p > Invention is similar to a terrible work T-1000 from the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

< p > Researchers have created robots that can < p > reports & nbsp; Daily Star.

< p > Separate autonomous work in the form of a disk similar to small hockey washers can be programmed so that they are collected in different forms with different material strength.

< p >Boots use magnets, engines and light to transform between solid and liquid state as self -rented werewolves.

< p > Matthew Devlin, former Doctoral Student University in Santa Barbari, USA, said: “We found a way to handle the work more like material objects. You can just tell them all at the same Required “.

< P > One of the biggest challenges faced by scientists was the creation of a material that could be rigid and strong, but at the same time capable of flowing into new configurations. For inspiration, they looked at how embryos in nature are formed.

< p >When the embryos develop, the cells are located around each other, turning the body from a clot into a set of forms & ndash; like arms and legs & ndash; of different consistency such as bones and brain.

< P > Otger Kampas, Director of the Department of Physics of Dresden Technical University in Germany, said: “Living embryonic fabrics & ndash; ndash; these are extremely smart materials. They have the ability to self -form, self -renew and even control their material strength in space. < p > its laboratory found that embryos can temporarily soften & ndash; Almost like a glass that melts & ndash; To form their final forms.

< p > “To fashion an embryo, cells in tissues can go from a liquid state to solid; this phenomenon is known in physics as a transition of rigidity,” he added.

~ < P > Robot researchers used magnets and motorized gears to tie tiny robots into one. Modifying the gears, the works turned into plastic materials.

< P > The light that fell on the giving on the top of each work indicated to them in which direction to rotate the gears and, thus changing the shape.

< P > Scientists have created robots that can withstand heavy loads, as well as change shape, manipulate objects and even self -renewed.

< P > Current prototypes are managed by a person, but if they were nourished by artificial intelligence, they could control themselves.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116