The cast of the well -known and liked series left the TVP schedule. < img src = "" alt = "presentation of the TVP/Instagram @telewiwapolska" schedule " styles = "background-color: rgba (" > < p > As informs & pompo; & rdquo;, behind us is the presentation of the spring frame & oacute; wki on TVP. It turns out that it was not without controversy. One of the station series was omitted during the presentation. The actors decided to express their dissatisfaction and left.
< P >< Strong > scandal for frames & oacute; wce tvp. The actors dropped emotions< p > presentations RAM & oacute; wki of the most important stations attract the attention of the viewer & oacute; in which they follow them with impatience. Behind us is the presentation of spring novelties from the largest stations. TVP was the last to present himself, organizing the event on February 27. However, it was not without a scandal.
< p > The actors of the series, who once celebrated triumphs, felt omitted and decided to express their dissatisfaction and indignation. Although & ampquo; for good and for bad & rdquo; He has already been behind it, it still has a large group of loyal fan & oacute; The casting of the cast met with a decisive reaction. < P >The actors got up and left the room before the end of the event. & AMP; BDQUO; Only a row of empty chairs remained after them. Tomek Ciachorowski had a plan in the morning and he came out and the journalist of the “world of stars” revealed, who was at the event.< p >< blockquote class = "Instagram-media" Data-Instgrm-Captioned Data-Instgrm-permalink = "" Data-instgrm -version = "12" Style = " Background: #fff; Border: 0; Border-radius: 3px; Max-Width: 540px; Min-Wedth: 326px; Padding: 0; Width: 99,375%; Width: -Webkit-Calc (100%-2px); width: calc (100% - 2px); ">
Marcin Hakiel > 62 ~< 60 ~ ~< ~< ~< 60 ~ 5 ~ >< 62 < p > The controversy was also not lacking on the RAM & oacute; wce tvn, Gł & oacute; thanks to Marcin Hakiel, which & oacute; ry for the presentation of RAM & oacute; wki took his less than three -month -old son Romeo. Many people & oacute; b criticized the decision of the parent & oacute; in the baby, considering that this is not a place for a baby.< p > Hakiel himself does not see this problem. & AMP; BDQUO; I assume that if it is not an extreme environment, I take it with me to work and there is no major problem & oacute; w. I take Romea with me to the room, for some pries to dance. As much as I can, I stay with him at home & rdquo; & ndash; said the dancer in an interview with
< P > < img src = "" alt = "Marcin Hakiel/YouTube @zurnalista" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (49,48,48,1)" >