< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/83/C1/IB-FQJD4FOBC_1B0146DC.PNG" ALT = "15 thousand dollars for a fictitious marriage: Cyber Police exposed another circuit of mobilization on Dnipro. < P > The attackers issued fictitious marriages between women with disabilities and consciousness to avoid service in the Armed Forces. In addition, it allowed men to escape abroad.
< P > Customers, including employees of local departments of state registration of civil status acts (VRACS), searched women with disabilities for registration of fictitious marriages with military and amp; Rsquo; < p > In the future, VDRAC employees on the fake court order introduced into the State Register unreliable information on the dissolution of marriage between military manner & Rsquo; ryquo; < p > Price & laquo; services & raquo; ranged in size from $ 10 to $ 15,000.
< P > Two participants of the scheme have already been suspected under Part 1 of Art. 362 (unauthorized actions with information processed in electronic computers (computers), automated systems, computer networks or stored on the carriers of such information committed by a person entitled to access) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.