< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/5F/E7/IB-FQJ5IN530_FC931624.jpg" Alt = "Artificial Intelligence from Google in 48 hours Issued a mystery over which scientists worked for 10 years"/> ~ ~ < P Data-Start = "0" "Data-end =" 250 "> The new artificial intelligence tool developed by Google, for & nbsp; 48 hours was able to solve the mystery that microbiologists worked on more than ten years. This discovery surprised the scientific community and & nbsp; showed the potential of the si in & nbsp; fundamental studies.
< P Data-Start = "252" Data-end = "620" >Professor Jose R. Penades from the Imperial College of London, together with the team, studied the mechanisms of Superbacterium resilience to & nbsp; antibiotics. Deciding to protest a new Shi tool, the scientist raised him a key question of his work. The neural network suggested a hypothesis that has completely coincided with & nbsp; the findings of scientists, although their research is not & nbsp; published in open access.
~ ~ ~ > < blockquote > < P Data-Start = "622" Data-End = "961" >0 ~ ~ Strong > Surprised Penadez even addressed & nbsp; Google; Google; or amp; nbsp; nbp; nbsp. Comp & Rsquo; Euther. In & nbsp; companies assured that & nbsp; this & nbsp; impossible. Moreover, did not & nbsp; only reproduced previously obtained conclusions, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; proposed four new theories, one of & nbsp; nbsp; which proved to be so promising < P Data-Start = "963" Data-end = "1284" > The main focus of Penades studies is the transmission of bacterial resistance to & nbsp; antibiotics. Scientists have suggested that & nbsp; bacteria can borrow viruses to transmit resistance between species. This & nbsp; assumptions not & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; no scientific works, but artificial intelligence has reached & nbsp; nbsp; a similar conclusion.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > < P Data-Start = "1286" Data-end = "1555" Data-is-Last-Node = "" Data-is-Oly-Node = "" > on & nbsp; professor, such tools are capable of substantially changing science. Despite the fears that AI can replace human work, Penades does not consider it & nbsp; a threat, but & nbsp; a powerful tool that will help accelerate the process of scientific discoveries and & nbsp; make research much more effective.
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