< IMG LOADING = "Lazy" SRSC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Medium/AFP-Image/2023-04/301A82B38315CE254E49BCEDA8D4271BADD05249.JPG ? iTok = J40OBFM8" width = "1300" height = "867" alt = "The booklet A continues to capture L & Amp;#039; Savings of the French: it s ' is expanded by almost 20 billion of" Class = "Lazyload Img-Fluid image-Style-Max-300x1300" SRC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Max_1300x1300/Public/AFP-Image/2023-04/301A82B38315Ce254E49Bceda8d4271badd05249.jpg ? Itok = xroeswin"/> 62 > 62 ~ AFP/Archives – Denis Charlet < P >< Strong > The question of more and more French people: their savings are in danger ? while safe investments like booklet A, LDDS or LEP seemed untouchable, unpublished measures could well Weaken …
< P >Long considered as secure refuges of savings, these investments are today under surveillance, in particular because rampant inflation and low rates weaken their profitability. So, they risk being confiscated ? The question is on everyone's lips, although the legal history of France suggests a certain tranquility. “The confiscation of goods is only authorized for reasons of public necessity,” recalls article 17 of the Declaration of Human Rights of 1789, by stipulating just and prior compensation. In addition, article 544 of the Civil Code guarantees everyone the right to enjoy and freely dispose of their property, subject to compliance with the laws in force. < P > This being said, tax mechanisms such as administrative entry to third party holder (SATD) already exist to recover tax claims. These devices are strictly supervised and only concern tax debts. As can be read on an CIPAV article, nothing comparable to a generalized seizure of savings in times of crisis. Tax experts also emphasize that taxpayers still retain a right of appeal. < P >Otherwise, the Sapin 2 law makes it possible to temporarily freeze certain life insurance contracts during the economic crisis to avoid a collapse of the financial system. But it is a transitional measure, well supervised, not a direct confiscation of the assets of savers. In theory, the High Council for Financial Stability (HCSF) and the Banque de France ensure that these measures are taken independently, far from political pressures. < P > In summary, if concern around the future of savings is not unfounded, current legal protections should be enough to guarantee the security of the French. The fact remains that we must pay attention to the work of the Parliament, which is currently working on multiple budgetary questions, without being able to boast of a perfect mastery. < P >< Strong > The article you liked ? It mobilized our editorial staff which only lives from your gifts. < Br > Information has a cost, especially since competition from subsidized writing requires additional rigor and professionalism. < P > With your support, France-Soir will continue to offer its articles for free & nbsp; we think that everyone must have access to free and independent information to forge their own opinion. < P > You are the sine qua non condition for our existence, support us for France-Soir to remain the French media which makes the most legitimate express.