< img src = "/uploads/blogs/26/5c/ib-fifrdjaaAaAAAAAA2A6B.jpg" Alt = "in Samsung's smartphones found a new vulnerability"/> ~ ~ ~ < p > Safe folder & ldquo; samsung & Rdquo; For storage of confidential data has vulnerability, the regulars & ldquo; Reddita & Rdquo;.
< h2 > details< p > According to users, when using work apps like island, Shelter and some others, the secure folder files become available.
< P > In normal conditions, access to the folder is protected by PIN code or biometry. However, when activating the working profile, files can be opened due to third -party, which violates security. Even if you have physical access to the Galaxy device, you can bypass protection and view data.
< p > command & ldquo; Samsung & Rdquo; already aware of the problem and is working on elimination of vulnerability.
< p >