< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/D5/0E/IB-FQI5Mtrra_15237c6f.jpg" Alt = "Cheap, Effectively and Effectively: Israeli Weapons presented a portable system for counteraction to Dronam-Kamikadze"/ < P >< Strong > Israeli defense company Smartshooter introduced the latest system of counteracting Smash dome drones that should provide tactical protection against drones in & nbsp; 60 ~/p > < P > As the experts of the defense & nbsp; nbsp & nbsp; breaking defense, based on & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; as & nbsp; on & nbsp; land, and & nbsp; on & nbsp; various platforms, including piloted and & nbsp; nbsp; free vehicles of land or maritime base, reports Armyinform.
in & nbsp; the basis of kinetic response of Smash dome is Smash Hopper & nbsp; & mdash; Light firing station with & nbsp; remote control (LRCWS), equipped with a storm rifle and & nbsp; nbsp; ballistic -calculated fire control system (FCS). ~ ~ ~ ~ > < p >Designed for high -precision aircraft, regardless of their & nbsp; nv & rsquo; rsquo; pitch or & nbsp; models, smash hoper can be integrated with & nbsp; command and & nb2). nbsp; support of goals UAV.< p > it provides operators designed ballistic solutions in & nbsp; real time and & nbsp; nbsp; can use different types of weapons and & nbsp; ammunition for kinetic interception of different UAV. < P > Smash Hopper can integrate with & nbsp; control systems such as & nbsp; atak, for automatic detection, support and & nbsp; trajectories.
~ < p >Complementing Smash Hopper, Smash Dome includes both & nbsp; active radio frequency radar, and & nbsp; passive optical observation systems for classification and & nbsp; tracking UAS goals. With & nbsp; nbp; nbsp; 1 & ndash; 2 km & nbsp; (depending on the type of sensor), these & nbsp; devices; devices continuously transmit targets to & nbsp; nbsp; time and & nbsp; readiness to & nbsp; intercepting.
< P > SMASH DOME is intended as & nbsp; for deploying on & nbsp; piloted and & nbsp; uncepant apparatus and & nbsp; platforms, and & nbp; nbsp; also for termination ; strategic OB & Rsquo; Ects.
< p > CEO & nbsp; smartshooter & nbsp; nbsp; Michal Mary stated that & nbsp; smash dome based on & nbsp; smash, offers an economically efficient, and amp; which break the work critical zones and & nbsp; put them & nbsp; at risk.< p >& laquo; deep integration of smash dome with existing command systems and management (C2) makes it a universal asset, which serves as an autonomous protection system and both important & bdquo; insurance policy & ldquo; for passive C-UAS & raquo ;, & mdash; added entrepreneur.
< p > & laquo; naking to & nbsp; nbsp; minimum use of ammunition and & nbsp; nbsp; providing effective interception both & nbsp; small unmanned aircraft, and & devotion Smartshooter protection of forces and & nbsp; critical infrastructure from new threats with & nbsp; air & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; noted in & nbsp; Martshooter.
< p > One of & nbsp; the advantages of smash dome, for & nbsp; nbsp; the words of the developer, is & nbsp; the possibility of & laquo; manual control & raquo; Complex. Through the interface of the fire control system, operators can visually confirm goals and & nbsp; initiate interceptions for & nbsp; help with a simple command.
< P > This approach, according to the creators of this weapon, minimizes the concomitant damage and increases the overall efficiency of operations, especially in densely populated areas.
~ < P > What will be the cost of a new complex until it is reported. Meanwhile, the developer states that this tool is one of the most advanced in the ratio of price and efficiency.
< p >< iframe width = "560" Height = "314" SRC = "//www.youtube.com/embed/ulumotyrxio" Alowfullscreen = "ALLOWFULLSCREN" >0 ~/IFrame >0 ~/P >