Mateusz Morawiecki summoned to the prosecutor's office. < img src = "" alt = "Mateusz Morawiecki/YouTube @Żurnalista" styles = "background-color: rgba (" > < p > As informs the portal & Super Express & Amp; Rdquo;, Black clouds gather over former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. The journal informs that the former head of government was called to the prosecutor's office as a suspect & rdquo;. The case concerns the organization & ampquo; & oacute; in envelope & rdquo; from 2020.
< P >< Strong > Mateusz Morawiecki renounced the immunity < p > The regulatory committee stated on January 24 that Mateusz Morawiecki's waiver of immunity meets all formal requirements. In an interview with TVN24 journalists, the Prosecutor General said that the Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland Szymon Hołownia forwarded Morawiecki's statement to the prosecutor's office. < p > Korneluk informed R & oacute; At the same time, he emphasized that he would not inform when the interrogation would take place, which is to allow the actions to perform in the correct way & b.< p > Prosecutor General indicated that Mateusz Morawiecki would have time to prepare for activities related to interrogation and appear in place with the defender, which is in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure.
< P > < img src = "" Alt = "Mateusz Morawiecki/Screen YouTube" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (125,125,154.0.42)" > < P >< Strong > which is accused of Mateusz Morawiecki ? < p > Mateusz Morawiecki alleged that as the prime minister in 2020, as the prime minister, he exceeded his rights when organizing the election & in envelope. Many times in public space were accused that Morawiecki acted without a legal basis. < p > In turn, Morawiecki himself, renouncing immunity, assured that during the interrogation in the prosecutor's office & ampquo; Bdquo; intends to expose the actions of people and parties creating the government coalition today & rdquo;. In his opinion, the early opposition sought to block the election in correspondence, in order to start rafał Trzaskowski in them.< p > current government coalition refutes the allegations of Mateusz Morawiecki, indicating that his government had a majority in & oacute; > < P > < img src = "" Alt = "Mateusz Morawiecki/Screen YouTube" loading = "lazy" styles = "background-color: rgba (124,111,144,1)" >