< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/79/A4/IB-FQ414R065_6240df4a.jpg" Alt = "Woman lost money from a bank card in cash assistance"/> ~ ~ < P Data-Pm-Slice = "1 1 1 []" > The resident of the regional center, which became the victim of fraudsters. The woman on the social network saw a message about the possibility of receiving cash assistance quickly. By moving on an unknown link, she filled out a questionnaire for & ldquo; registration & RDQUO; and introduced the data of her bank card. After that, 2000 UAH
disappeared from her account without a trace. < P Data-PM-Slice = "1 1 1 []" > Cybercrime actively use the credibility of citizens and exploit social and economic difficulties for their own benefits. Fraudsters create counterfeit sites that mimic official portals of banks, government agencies or charitable funds. Most often they are masked under financial support programs or stocks designed for socially disadvantaged sections of the population.
< h3 > How to save from scammers ?
< p >To avoid such situations and protect your finances, you should follow simple safety rules:
< Ol Start = "1" Data-Spread = "TRUE" > < LI >< Strong > Do not go on suspicious links. & nbsp; even if the reference came from a friend, it is worth checking its authenticity. It is better to go to the institution's official website through search engine.
< LI >< Strong > Check the source of information. & nbsp; official cash assistance programs are always published on state bodies or known charitable organizations. > < LI >< STRONG > Do not enter the bank card data on unknown sites. & nbsp; especially if the site requires a full card number, CVVV code and password from online banking.
< LI >< STRONG > Turn on the bank operations. Li > ~ 60 >< strong > Use antiviral software. & nbsp; it can block phishing sites and warn about potential danger. 62>< STRONG > Contact the police in case of suspicious situations. & nbsp; if you are a victim of fraud .
< p > In the modern digital world it is important to be vigilant and not be tempted & ldquo; light money & RDQUO;. Take care of your finances and take care of cybersecurity!