< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/E6/61/IB-1IJOLOR2I_FC931624.jpg" Alt = "will save 97% of the capacity after 100 cycles: Scientists have created an improved lithium-ion battery"/~ 62 < P > New Technology made it possible to increase the service life, stability and energy density of lithium-ion batteries.

< P > A group of scientists under the guidance of Professor Dongvuk Khan from the Seul National University of Science and Technology in South Korea has developed innovative technology to improve lithium-ion batteries. About this & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; in the press release, published on PR Newswire.

< P > It is reported that scientists have modified the cathodes of LNMO (lithium-nickel-manganese oxide) to increase the service life, stability and energy density of lithium-ion batteries. Lnmo is considered a promising material for high -voltage cathodes, but it has unwanted adverse reactions that reduce its performance such as electrolyte decomposition.

< p >To increase the productivity of LNMO cathode, Professor Dongvuk Khan and his team presented a double engineering approach. Scientists have designed Li-Vacant Substrate Ways to improve the migration of lithium ions and a protective layer enriched with K₂co₃, to protect the cathode from electrolyte decomposition.

< P > “The synergistic effect of these layers leads to excellent performance of the electrochemical cycle of charge/discharge and high thermal stability of LNMO cathode”, & mdash; said Khan Dongvuk.

< P > Initially, the usual LNMO (R-LNMO) cathodes were synthesized using soaded hydrothermal reactions and then solid-phase reactions. Then the prepared R-LNMO cathodes were subjected to surface modification by treating the particles with a KOH aqueous solution. This led to the formation of surface-modified lnmo (lnmo_koh).

< P > During testing, improved cathodes showed a discharge capacity of approximately 110 MAG/g with 97% storage of capacity after 100 cycles, which is a noticeable improvement compared to the discharge capacity of 89 mAh/g and 91% of the storage of untreated LNMO cathodes. More than the material showed the potential for faster charging.

< p > “Our technology is not limited to LNMO, but can also be applied to commercial cathode materials, including high-performance Li [Ni1-I-Zcoymnz] O2 (NMC) and Lifepo4 (LFP). We consider it expanding the use of batteries in large electric vehicles and energy storage systems, providing high energy density and exceptional safety “, & mdash; Summing Professor Khan.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116