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Quotes about mom and motherly love for perhaps the most important holiday of spring

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar May14,2024

>> For Mother's Day, read quotes about mothers/Collage of Radio MAXIMUM

Mother's Day is celebrated in Ukraine on the second Sunday of May. In 2024, this day falls on May 12. Radio MAXIMUM has collected the most beautiful quotes about mom and maternal love on this occasion.

Let these expressions inspire you to write or call the dearest person on earth. Wish your mother a happy Mother's Day!

Quotes about mom

Mom is our most faithful companion in life. When we have fun, she laughs too. If she's sad, she won't show it so we don't worry.


“Mom!” is the only word that each of us shouts in moments of pain, despair and pleasure…


A mother is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her cannot replace it!


Only mother carries us all our life! Nine months in the belly, up to three years – in your arms and all your life – in your heart…


Until you become a mother yourself, you will not understand how much she loves you…


Who said that angels do not exist? They are simply called “mother” on earth.


“Mother” is synonymous with the word “love”.


Quotes about mom and motherly love for perhaps the most important holiday of spring

Only mom has the kindest hands, the gentlest smile and the most loving heart…


If you don't believe in angels… Look into your mother's eyes…


Mother is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of little children.

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For every child, the best medicine is the mother. He will hold her to her chest, stroke her head, kiss the bruised place, blow on her broken knee and all the diseases she can remove with her hand.


Mom is the only person who with all her heart and soul devoted to her own child.


Having a child is wealth, being a mother is a great happiness!


< p>A man must love three women: the one who gave birth to him; the one who will give birth to him; and the one that will be born to him.


A mother is the most touching thing on earth. Mother means: to forgive and sacrifice yourself.


Only a child knows how much her mother loves her, because only she has seen her heart from the inside!


God cannot be in time everywhere at the same time, and that is why he created mothers.


Quotes about mom and motherly love for perhaps the most important spring holiday

The first gift of a mother is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.


The heart of a woman who gave birth and raised her child is ready to create real miracles for her baby.


Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness.


Mother, like the sun, shines through our lives. It is more expensive not to find a person. Always instills faith in us.


Thank you heavenly powers for giving me such a mother.


Only my mother will reveal the secret of how I can get a successful ticket in life.

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Even when we are wrong, only mother will always support and understand us.


A mother is a person who does not sleep when we sick, anxiously sits by the door when we relax at parties. With trepidation in her heart, she hugs her grandchildren to her chest, becoming younger at the same time.


Mom is the only person who will accept us rich and poor, good and bad, successful and foolish. She just loves us.


You really start to appreciate your parents when you have children yourself. A mother's job is the most difficult and invaluable.


A mother's love is the fuel that allows an ordinary person to do the impossible.


And I don't need your praise, my mother's smile and her words are enough for me.


You grow up when you change “mom” to “mommy” on the phone and realize that there is no more important person in the world.


A mother's love is the only love from which you can't wait for betrayal.


A woman with a golden heart – that's who you are for me, mom…


< p>There is nothing that a mother's love cannot withstand.


Mother is the first word, mother is the main word in every destiny.

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The art of motherhood is to teach a child the art of life.


A mother is the most touching thing on earth.


A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.


Mother is the most beautiful word spoken by a person.

Quotes about mother and maternal love for the most important holiday of spring


The strongest thing in the world against evil is a mother's prayer.


Motherhood is work, the reward for which is happiness.

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The best compliment to a mother is to praise her child!


Mom is one word, four letters, eternal meaning…


Mom is the closest, closest and most invaluable person in the world.

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Mom is the kind of person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.


Mom is the only person you can always ask for advice and she will give you the answer.

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Mother is the ship on which I have been traveling since childhood, and which will later send me on an independent voyage.


It is better to remain silent than insult mom.

Quotes about mother's love

The power of mother's love is able to preserve the status of a child until its old age.


Maybe I am weak and defenseless, but let someone -someone will try to hurt my child!


Motherhood is sacred, a father is always just an accident.


The longer I live, the more acutely I understand that there is no greater happiness than hearing the cry of your unborn child… Well, and then falling asleep on your stomach…


A woman becomes the happiest when she feels the life inside her.


Now you look at those naive eyes, full of selfless love for you… and… you understand: “But it's all burning blue-violet flames! I'm happy! I have someone and something to live for!!! br> For a MOTHER, all this is nonsense!
And here is a bracelet with the date of birth
And a lock of the child's hair is YES!!)!


Women are happier than men, if only because we can know the feeling of motherhood from the very beginning, when we have a small but already important life.

Quotes about mom and motherly love for the most important holiday of spring


The most important songs in the world – lullabies…


Children are all different: different smiles, eyes, noses… I just REALLY WANT EVERYONE TO BE THE SAME in health and nobody was ever SICK!



For a woman to have nine lives… SHE needs to give birth to eight children!


If you want to become a mother, you need to grow your brain before that, and then your soul and body .


Children give our life a fullness that is impossible without them.


A real Mom, like a real Fighter: beaten, bitten, but proud!


It's nice to be Irreplaceable – the woman said with a smile, holding a couple of charming boys to her chest…


Being a mother is an immeasurable happiness!


The most beautiful of women is a woman with a child in her arms.


I can't see you yet… But I already love you, Mom… I so want to see you soon… And hug you with my little ones pens!!!


The mother is not concerned with what young girls know, but how they learned it.

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I pray to the Almighty for one thing: protect the people I love.


Motherhood is the most difficult job that brings joy.

< p>Quotes about mom and motherly love for the most important holiday of spring

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I saw and understood. Needed Not like everyone else. He is something else. So pleasant, weightless. Beloved.


A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.


Moms never die. They simply stop being around…


Motherhood is decorated with the sacred qualities of love, sacrifice, faith, tolerance, kindness and hard work.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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