My daughter recently unexpectedly divorced her husband and moved into my apartment with a small child.
She is currently on maternity leave. Although her ex-husband pays alimony, it is minimal. As a result, we have to use my salary to pay for housing, groceries, clothes for our grandson, and my daughter's personal expenses.
Because my daughter was used to a comfortable lifestyle during her marriage, it was difficult for her to adjust to her new reality. Her previous job was easy, she cared more about her appearance than her income, and she was heavily dependent on her husband for financial support.
I warned her about the possible consequences of her lifestyle, but she ignored my concerns. Now that we live together, the financial burden has become unbearable. Her idea of shopping is luxurious: she chooses the most expensive products. Even simple requests, such as cooking, result in ordering expensive meals instead of cooking myself.
My daughter's inability to adjust to a more modest lifestyle and her refusal to manage her finances responsibly have exhausted my patience. She constantly complains about her difficult situation but makes no effort to change.
Her behavior now explains all the tension in her marriage and I am not surprised it ended in divorce. I am at the end of my rope and am considering such drastic measures as simply asking her to leave, primarily for the sake of my grandson. My patience is wearing thin with each passing day…
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