< img src = "/uploads/blogs/e2/9e/ib-FR85HQ63V_EA2A6BBB1.jpg" Alt = "90 thousand per cot: how cheats cheated on a woman on OLX"/> ~ < p > in January 2022, a woman from the Dnieper placed on Olx an announcement for the sale of a cot for 4 thousand 550 UAH. Instead, it lost 90,000 UAH due to the phishing scheme. Was the mom to return the money & ndash; Read in the material & laquo; Dnipro operational & raquo;. & nbsp;
< p >In December 2022, Judge of the October District Court of Dnipropetrovsk Alexander Antonyuk decided that the woman was guilty of negligence, so & nbsp; a bank should not repay the stolen funds. & nbsp;
< h2 > How was the fraud scheme
< p > in January 2022, a woman made an announcement on Olx for the sale of a cot for 4 thousand 550 UAH. The unknown buyer suggested paying a purchase through the Service & Laquo; Safe Pay/Delivery OLX & AMP; RAquo; and sent a link to allegedly confirm the transaction.
< p > The woman went on the link and introduced her bank data. After that, 90 000 UAH was written off from her account. Without spending time, she called to & laquo; Raiffeisen Bank & raquo; And reported that the fraudsters stole her money. Bank registered its statement and promised to understand. & Amp; nbsp;
< p >On the same day, the woman appealed to OLX support service, where she was informed that the site she had passed had nothing to do with the official service. She was advised to contact the police and the bank. The woman did: she applied to law enforcement agencies, and then & ndash; Several more appeals to the bank demanding back funds.
< h2 > Was it possible to return money through court
< p > The bank refused to return the money, stating that the operation was legal, because it was confirmed through technology that uses one -time payments for payments. The woman, however, insisted: she did not agree to write off such a amount, and the bank had to protect it as a consumer. & Amp; nbsp;
< p > not receiving voluntary compensation, she filed a lawsuit with a court, which asked to return 90 thousand UAH and reimburse litigation, including 20 thousand UAH for legal assistance.
< p >In court, the bank insisted: the woman is guilty, because she introduced card data and a one -time password on the fraudulent site. According to them, the operation of 90 000 UAH was performed through the Smartpay payment service with the use of 3-D Secure, which means that it was sanctioned by a client. The Bank also proved that he had sent SMS with a password to her phone number. In addition, the card remained in her hands & ndash; she was not stolen or lost.< p > it turned out that the woman really went on a fake link and introduced her data there, including a one -time password. Subsequently, the court concluded that the victim of fraudsters had contributed to the crime by disclosing confidential information, so he refused to return the funds. This decision came into force in January 2023.
< h2 > what to do to not become a victim
< P > Phishing Schemes & ndash; A widespread type of fraud that everyone who sells goods online can be affected. Here are some tips on how to protect yourself:
< Ul > < li > Do not go for doubtful links that send & laquo; buyers & raquo;. Official payments on OLX are made only through an account.
< LI > Check the site address. The real site Olx & ndash; olx.ua, and all other options can be fake.
< LI > Do not disclose your bank data. No buyer should ask card number, CVV code or SMS code.
< li > in case of suspicion of fraud & ndash; Call immediately to the bank and block the card.