We agree, it's still summer vacation and you may still have to enjoy the beach and the sun, but that's no reason not to think about your next vacation. Indeed, if you're the type to anticipate things and want to take advantage of good deals, then you've come to the right place. As always, we suggest you find out how to take your vacation days in 2025 to maximize your vacation days. Here's how to do it.
Here we go: in 2025, if you take your vacation days wisely, you will be able to take advantage of a nice, long vacation. Indeed, by taking 25 days of vacation, you will be able to go on vacation for almost two months (precisely 57 days).The trick is to be well organized and to look at when public holidays and long weekends fall. We explain how to take advantage of them.
In January
We start the new year with a nice long weekend since January 1, 2025 will fall on a Wednesday. So, by taking January 2 and 3 off, you will continue with the weekend and you will not see your colleagues again until Monday 6 after a 5-day weekend.
In April
Easter Monday is set for Monday, April 21, 2025. Therefore, if you take 4 days of vacation between April 22 and 25, you will continue on the weekend which means that you can have 9 days of vacation.
In May
Even better: May 1st will fall on a Thursday and therefore May 8th too. So, if you manage to take 3 days of vacation (April 28th, 29th and 30th) as well as your Friday May 2nd then May 5th, 6th and 7th as well as May 9th you will have the chance to not go to work for 14 days(or 23 days if you chain with the days in April).
In July
In 2025, only one public holiday, Monday July 14. To have 9 days without working, the trick is to take 4 days of leave namely from July 15 to 18.
In August
August 15 will fall on a Friday, which means that by taking your August 13 and 14, you will have the joy of having 5 days off.
In December
Next year Christmas will be on a Thursday. To benefit from a week of vacation, the goal is to take 4 days: December 22, 23, 24 and 26.
Now all that remains is to take these days by trying to agree with your colleagues and as always, hoping to get the boss's agreement.